pregnancy symptoms

Pregnancy symptoms

Pregnancy symptoms

Early pregnancy symptoms often mimic the symptoms some people experience before and during a period. A pregnancy can’t be confirmed without a pregnancy test. However there may be some indication that implantation has been successful and there is indeed a pregnancy. 

Spotting and cramping

When a fertilised egg attaches to the wall of the uterus some people experience cramping and light spotting. This is called an implantation bleed. The embryo implants around 2-4 days after transfer, or 6 – 12 days after the egg is fertilised. Light bleeding or spotting can occur for a day or 2. 

Many people who experience an implantation bleed mistake it for there period starting. 


For many, the first noticeable symptom is fatigue. Feeling very tired during the first trimester is normal during pregnancy. 

A hormone called progesterone along with low blood sugar, lower blood pressure and a boost in blood production cal all contribute to this feeling of tiredness. 

Plenty of rest is needed. Eating foods rich in protein and iron can also help. Supplements may help to give the body a boost too. 


Morning sickness is a very common pregnancy symptom. Some experience it sooner than others and some not at all. 

It is thought that the increasing levels of pregnancy hormones cause this symptom. 

Although often refuted to as morning sickness, It can occur at any time of the day. It may come and go or it may be more persistent. 

Eating little and often can help ease the nausea. Its possible for the nausea to continue through the entire pregnancy but for most it will ease off around 12 – 14 weeks. 

Changes in the breast

Breasts can become sore and swollen and feel tender and fuller. The area around the nipples called the areola may become darker. 

This symptom of pregnancy is for some a very similar symptom of a period that’s about to start. 

Other symptoms of pregnancy

Other symptoms of pregnancy that may be the result of IVF treatment and/or pregnancy include: 

  • Mood swings 
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Frequent urination

Does everyone get symptoms of pregnancy?

Every pregnancy is different. Symptoms will not only vary between individuals but also from pregnancy to pregnancy. 

Some people experience many symptoms and some none at all. Some people have side effects from medications that mimic pregnancy symptoms and some have pregnancy symptoms that mimic the start of a period. 

There is no true way to determine early pregnancy based on symptoms alone. The only way to confirm a pregnancy is with a test. 

If the expected pregnancy is conceived through IVF its important to resist the urge to test early. The trigger injection used before egg collection can stay in the system for up to 10 days. Test too early and this might give a false positive. 

It’s a long 2 week wait between conception or implantation and taking a test. Try not to drive yourselves mad looking for pregnancy symptoms. 

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