on the left there is the title ' a simple guide to morning sickness' under the title is the logo for mothership and me ( a lgbt parenting blog) on the right there is a photo image of a woman in green leggings and a white top sitting on her bed with her hand over her mouth.

Morning sickness

Although often called morning sickness, nausea with or without vomiting can happen at any time of the day. As many as 8 in 10 women experience nausea and/or vomiting at some point during their pregnancy, usually during the first trimester. For most symptoms are mild and they can go about their daily lives but for […]

pregnancy symptoms

Pregnancy symptoms

Pregnancy symptoms Early pregnancy symptoms often mimic the symptoms some people experience before and during a period. A pregnancy can’t be confirmed without a pregnancy test. However there may be some indication that implantation has been successful and there is indeed a pregnancy.  Spotting and cramping When a fertilised egg attaches to the wall of […]