Egg collection is surgery. For most it’s a simple procedure and you will be in and out within a few hours. The surgery itself takes only 20 – 30 minutes then recovery time is about 1 – 2 hours before you can go home. To make things a little more comfortable and easier for you both there are a few things you may wish to take with you.
Take a water bottle. There are usually water points with teeny tiny cups available but a water bottle saves getting up and down. Its also safer in times of covid.
Milk. Most clinics will offer tea after surgery and most only have dairy. If you use a dairy alternative its worth taking some with you for that needed cuppa in recovery.
After surgery biscuits may be offered but the choice is limited and for the patient only. Take snacks you both enjoy.
Its an emotional day for both. I was not prepared to see my partner in recovery, lifeless with an oxygen mask on. I needed tissues!
Everyone has a phone with them these days but use it to take a few pics of the day. Its part of your journey. The sexy hospital gown, hair net and mask is a photo opportunity not to be missed.
Magazine or book.
You wont be aloud to go in with your partner for the egg collection and they will be groggy for a bit when they come out. A good book or magazine will help pass the time.
There isn’t much else either of you need. Your partner may wish to take a few extras such as
- Panty liners or sanctuary pad
- Comfortable socks
- Loose fitting cloths to wear after

If you are reading this on your ivf journey, best of luck to you. Follow our journey here.
Anything we have forgotten? Please leave a comment. We would love to hear from you.